The Problem: We have lost our innocence, and thereby, we struggle with God. Why does He allow evil to exist? Why is He hard to find sometimes? Who is He? Why does Hell exist? Why does the family exist? Why did He give us so many rules to follow? How can we truly know and understand Him? Better yet, how can we approach Him, and know Him as FRIEND, LORD, KING, and SAVIOR.
What is the key?
The Answer: One of the all too often overlooked keys to understanding the personality of God is found in HIS simple Innocence, something that more deeply explains His love, His purity, His holiness, His mercy, His justice, His character, and so many other things about Him.
But be forewarned. You will find yourself making changes to your life, hobbies, thoughts, and actions, as you begin to understand the simple innocent holiness of God. |
After several years "in process", this manuscript is finally available! Click here to go over the Amazon to get it! ($5.99)

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Half profits from the sale of this book go strictly to help fund a prayer retreat center
that Tim, his family, and a group of their friends want to build.
Or for printed copy or CD ($9.95 + $4.00 S&H ) make a check/ money order out to: Tim Benedict, POB 416,
Garden Valley, Idaho 83622, (USA)
Want more? Here's another excellent book discussing The Innocence of God, by Udo Middleman of the Francis A. Schaeffer Foundation
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